Just found some data from the early tries in astrophotography from the summer of 2014 and gave them a go.
A lot of comma on the edges since I didn’t have an FFR at the time.
The image was captured with a Canon 350D with IR mod (filter removal). Halos around the stars are due to UHC-S filter.
This image contains: Veil nebula, Lace-work nebula, Filamentary Nebula, NGC 6960, The star 52Cyg
Sky-Watcher 80ED Pro Black Diamond
Canon 350D
HEQ5 Pro
Guiding telescope: SKYWATCHER 70/500
Guiding camera: QHY CCD QHY5 mono
Software: PixInsight
Filters: Baader UHC-S
Resolution: 3253×2306
Dates: July 27, 2014
Frames: 12×1200″
Integration: 4.0 hours
Avg. Moon age: 0.05 days
Avg. Moon phase: 0.00%
RA center: 311.481 degrees
DEC center: 30.732 degrees
Pixel scale: 2.200 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: 105.796 degrees
Field radius: 1.219 degrees
Locations: Katsaros obs, Katsaros, Kalamata, Greece