NGC 7380 (also known as the Wizard Nebula) is an open cluster discovered by Caroline Herschel in 1787. William Herschel included his sister’s discovery in his catalogue and labelled it H VIII.77. It is also known as 142 in the 1959 Sharpless catalogue (Sh2-142). This reasonably large nebula is located in Cepheus. It is extremely difficult to observe visually, usually requiring very dark skies and an O-III filter.
Technical Details
Sky-Watcher 80ED Pro Black Diamond
SBIG 8300M
HEQ5 Pro
Frames: Baader 7nm Ha 2”: 34×1200″ -5C bin 1×1
Starlight Xpress Starlight Xpress FW 5*2″
Dates: Oct. 5, 2014
Locations: Home obs
Integration: 11.3 hours
Darks: ~10
Flats: ~10
Bias: ~100
Avg. Moon age: 10.86 days
Avg. Moon phase: 83.71%
Mean SQM: 17.00
Mean FWHM: 1.50
Temperature: 15.00
RA center: 341.867 degrees
DEC center: 58.074 degrees
Orientation: 179.381 degrees
Field radius: 0.956 degrees
My first CCD attempt is the NGC7380 The wizard nebula in HA (for now) 🙂 It took 4 nights to gather the data, as I am still battling with meridian flips, ADU’s, Dark noise and the rest of the CCD parameters…